Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh (Barra and Vatersay Community) Limited is a company incorporated as private limited by guarantee SC285873
and a Scottish Charity SC041923
The Community of Barra and Vatersay
Our vision recognises people as the key resource in Barra and Vatersay. Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh aims to promote projects which
will make Barra and Vatersay a better place for people to live and work. Community led development is at he heart of Iomairt aig an Oir and is the focus
for Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh.
Community led development is at the heart of Iomairt aig an Oir and is the focus for Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh.
Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh aims to work with community groups to help them to achieve their aims and objectives.
It is our aim to:-
Support the development of community groups, through three main routes:
Facilities and Infrastructure
Building community confidence and the skills required to promote continual community development.
Work with Island wide community organisations such as Community Councils and Voluntary Action Barra and Vatersay,
Work with and support area based community groups such as Northbay Community Initiative; Vatersay Community Initiative;
Eoligarry Village Association. Use resources such as the Learning in Regeneration Skills Packs to assist with the above process.
Work with and support sectoral Community Groups; Northbay Port Users; Barra and Vatersay Agricultural and Horticultural
Association; Castlebay Fisheries Pier project.
Facilities and Infrastructure
Assist community led development of facilities such as village halls; play areas; parks; sports facilities and harbour facilities.
Assist groups providing essential community services, e.g. care for the elderly and infirm, community transport.
Clearly there are many groups working on community projects out with the Iomairt aig an Oir programme. It is our aim to assist these
where it is possible to do so.
Opportunities for Training Towards Independence (OFTTI)
OFTTI provides adult learners with opportunities to gain a diverse range of skills. The programme has been very successful having a
focus in the Lewis Castle Learning Centre and the poly tunnel project at Northbay.
Future funding for this very successful project is in doubt now that EU assistance has been withdrawn. CnES have stepped in to fund
the project in the 2007/2008 financial year, however, longer term funding for the project is less certain.